How to prioritise tasks and promote productivity with the Eisenhower Matrix

How to prioritise tasks and promote productivity with the Eisenhower Matrix

Usually, when we sit down to tackle a big chunk of work, the first step is making a to-do list of all the tasks that we need to get done. Making a list helps us to put tasks into perspective and ensures we don’t miss anything vital. The biggest challenge is often how to prioritise our to-do list with the most urgent and important tasks in order to effectively get work done.

One method that has been created to help prioritise tasks and promote productivity is the Eisenhower Matrix.

What is the Eisenhower Matrix?

Named after Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States and a general during World War II, and developed by author Stephen Covey, the Eisenhower Matrix is a task management tool created to help prioritise tasks by urgency and importance.

Also known as the time management matrix, the Eisenhower Matrix helps you to identify your most impactful tasks by urgency and importance so that you can organise your work into an efficient flow.

How does the Eisenhower Matrix work?

Using the Eisenhower Matrix, you go through your tasks one by one and separate them into four quadrants - the tasks you will do first, the tasks you will schedule for later, the tasks you will delegate, and the tasks you will delete. Once the tasks are separated into these categories, you can schedule the appropriate time and deadlines for each and ensure that the most important work is done first.


The four quadrants are:


  1. Do - for tasks that are both urgent and important. These tasks will have an imminent deadline, usually in the next few days, and therefore must be done first. These tasks have clear consequences in both the short-term and also affect your long-term goals. The aim is not to add too many items into this quadrant, but to keep the list of urgent tasks simple and manageable so that it doesn't become overwhelming.
  2. Schedule - for tasks that are not urgent but are still important. These tasks will affect your long-term goals but don’t need to be done right away, so they can be scheduled for a later time following the completion of the most urgent tasks. When scheduling tasks, ensure you have enough time to complete them so they don't become a last-minute task that transfers into the urgent category. Consider setting aside certain times of the day or week for specific tasks, such as if you work better in     the morning or would rather reply to emails in the afternoon.
  3. Delegate -  for tasks that are urgent but not important. These tasks must be completed now, but they don’t affect your long-term goals or personal achievements.  These tasks are usually things such as     admin, scheduling, or replying to emails, which do not need a specific skill set to complete. Delegating these activities to other team members frees up your time to focus on tasks in the first quadrant, while efficiently managing the workload of yourself and others.
  4. Delete - for leftover tasks that do not fit into the first three quadrants. These unimportant, non-urgent tasks can be deleted as they do not need to be completed now, and they do not affect your long-term goals in any way and therefore do not require your time and attention.


What are the benefits of the Eisenhower Matrix?

The Eisenhower Matrix is an effective tool at helping people to reach their work goals through efficient time management and boosting productivity. By categorising tasks, it is easy to understand which ones need immediate attention and which can be focused on later, allowing people to make better judgements and focus on what’s most important.


The main benefits of the Eisenhower Matrix are:


●      Improved time management, decision-making, and organisation skills.

●      Enhanced focus and productivity.

●      Future-planning by scheduling time for tasks in advance.

●      Reduced stress - stop becoming overwhelmed so you can tackle the tasks ahead!

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